How to choose a recording studio that’s right for you.

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With advances in audio technology and studio equipment, there are more choices than ever when it comes time to record a song or album. This gives artists many options and opportunities. On the other hand, narrowing down the options that are available can be a problem to realize your ideas in the best way.

To make it easier to decide what type of audio recording studio to go for and realize your project as best as possible, you can review the tips that will guide you.

  1. Budget

With the development of audio technology, the possibilities are practically limitless. I’m quoting Fab DuPont verbatim, who said at a workshop in Paris I attended some time ago: “A modern home studio has many more possibilities than the best studio of 20 years ago.”

Many professional audio tone directors or hobbyists have equipped their own home studios and are capable of recording. Some hobbyists start recording their own ideas and thus move on to recording other artists and bands. Nowadays, it’s very easy to find someone, somewhere to record your music regardless of your budget. Many audio schools require for their students a playback recording or a recording of the students themselves. You may even get free studio time. You often get adequate quality for the price you pay, but it’s important to determine how much you’re willing to invest for a recording before you start comparing and narrowing down your options.

When determining your recording budget, it’s good to keep the following basic things in mind.

First, anyone who has been in a recording studio knows that often things that happen there take longer than expected. Plan some extra time beyond what you think you’ll need when reserving the studio. Then you’ll be glad you did.

Second, consider whether other recording costs will be necessary. For example to hire studio musicians or more specific equipment or instruments. Anticipate these things because often recording needs more than a good sounding room. In some studios, for example RENEWSOUND, we offer a wide selection of instruments, amplifiers, guitar cabinets, drums, cymbals, microphones and preamps. Thus, practically, the possibilities of finding the “perfect” sound is a matter of search and imagination.

  1. Location of the recording studio.

Studios are literally everywhere these days, so you shouldn’t have any problem finding a “good sounding room” near you. If you’re looking for a certain sound, however, you may need to travel. Because of the sound of a specific room, or because of specific equipment, or simply because others have recorded there and you really like the result. There are many examples such as one of the most famous drum recording studios in California Ocean Way, or Abbey Road in London. So if you have to travel you need to determine how long it will take you per day. This will determine the perimeter in which to limit the search.

You may want to go further just to concentrate better. This is common with bands with bigger budgets. Everyday life and “home life” can be too distracting and likely to interfere with recording. For this, going away from home will allow you to focus only on the project.

  1. The sound.

Once you’ve chosen your budget and location, it’s time to focus on choosing the quality of sound you’ll record there. Listen to records of your favorite bands and try to figure out exactly what you like about those records. Then compare this to the studios on your list. If you and no one in your group is familiar with the audio recording process, it is advisable to find a friend to advise you on these things.

Most studios have web pages with information and examples. Whether or not what you hear there comes close to what you’re looking for, or no examples are provided, you can contact them and ask or request some. This way you will check their willingness to respond to your survey and you will be able to judge if this is the studio to record in.

  1. Equipment!

At this point, it is assumed that you have found several recording studios that are located in a location convenient for you and the sound they make is great. The next step is to determine what equipment and tools you will need.
Some studios offer a selection of equipment and instruments that you can use for free when recording. Other items may need to be rented. Do you need a grand piano? Well-tuned top-of-the-line drums? Or vintage guitars and amps? 🙂 A killer mic for vocals that recorded a hit? Not all studios have them. Take a look at the pages of these studios. Almost everyone has a list of the equipment they have. If they don’t have one, write or call them and ask.

If you know a little about equipment and recording, you may be aware that you are looking for a vintage unique sound from an old tube amp or preamp or microphone. Then you better make sure the studio has them.

It’s also good to consider the size and type of studio. If the recording is best played by everyone playing together, that probably won’t be possible in a one-room studio. Imagine everyone side by side with the instruments, amps and drums together. And as we all know, the best recording is when the magic between the musicians happens and we manage to record this unique experience. The emotion is much stronger and truer when you play together. So the studio size factor is important to consider with how you plan to record. In addition, for the smooth running of the sessions, it is good if there are living conditions that provide comfort and a pleasant working atmosphere. A place to sit and drink coffee. To talk calmly with your colleagues without stopping the recording process.

  1. Reputation and history.

Some world famous studios like Abbey Road, Fame studios, Electric Lady are known for the fact that the sound they make is unique and recognizable. Some of them are not available to “independent” artists. But there are so many other famous studios that can make your unique sound. The reputation of the studio is not only important for the quality of recording you will receive. Subsequently, the fact that you recorded at a particular well-known studio can pique the interest of professionals who would otherwise have missed it. This also has potential market advantages. So determining the studio where you will record your project is also important for its future promotion. This of course does not exclude the marketing strategy you follow. If you don’t have one in place yet, you might want to check out 10 (Insanely Inexpensive) Marketing Strategies Your Gang Should Be Using!